TJC Heritage LTD


Heritage & Industrial Landscapes

Industrial archaeology and development work on brownfield sites are two areas that we have considerable experience of undertaking, including the survey of former industrial complexes, factory buildings and their associated infrastructure.

The refurbishment of industrial buildings often requires detailed archaeological recording, photography and archive research to Historic England Level 1-4 standards. We can undertake all stages of this work from project planning, to the preparation of a Written Scheme of Investigation, to undertaking the archaeological surveys that might be required.

We also provide a Consultancy role to co-ordinate below ground archaeolgoical excavations and ensure that projects are completed to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


Tissington Trail (former The London and North Western Railway (LNWR) between Buxton and Ashbourne). (On behalf of the Peak District National park Authority). A heritage audit was undertaken along the full length of this former railway to provide a baseline record of surviving features to allow a management plan to be prepared;

National Coal Mining Museum, South Yorkshire. (On behalf of the NCMM). A Conservation Management plan has been prepared for this important complex of industrial buildings and structures associated with the mining in Yorkshire. This work is being undertaken with direct consultation from Historic England.

Phoenix Foundry, Lewes. (On behalf of Lewes Council and NSQ). An heritage appraisal of the remains of the Every Iron Foundry has been undertaken, followed by Archaeological consultancy during a major re-development along the River Ouse. This has included advising on construction operations in proximity of the Green Wall, a Scheduled monument.

Sheffield Castle, Markets. (On behalf of Sheffield City Council). A detailed building survey and b/w photographic record was produced prior to the demolition of the 1960s market complex, regarded as a landmark building in the heart of the City.